
Fighting the Monolith. How Containerization Makes It Easier and Faster to Modernize Large Monolith Applications

Large monolith applications are a pain for many companies because improving a monolith application, by default, means you have to invest more into the development of the monolith application. And this can get you farther from true modernization of your applications and infrastructures.

Until containerization came around.

Containerization helps modernize an application by decoupling ancillary services from that monolith. Containerization can break monoliths up into smaller, more adaptable pieces and allows your infrastructure to evolve underneath your application’s business logic.

A container is one of the most decoupled solutions for running an application. You're able to migrate, change, and adapt your container to any place you want to go safely, securely, and quickly.

Geremy Reiner sat down with Wally Walikainen to discuss how containerization is used during app modernization efforts.

Large monolith applications are a pain for many companies because improving a monolith application, by default, means you have to invest more into the development of the monolith application. And this can get you farther from true modernization of your applications and infrastructures.

Until containerization came around.

Containerization helps modernize an application by decoupling ancillary services from that monolith. Containerization can break monoliths up into smaller, more adaptable pieces and allows your infrastructure to evolve underneath your application’s business logic.

A container is one of the most decoupled solutions for running an application. You're able to migrate, change, and adapt your container to any place you want to go safely, securely, and quickly.

Geremy Reiner sat down with Wally Walikainen to discuss how containerization is used during app modernization efforts.

There are several advantages of containerization

  • Your speed-to-market can be increased via rapid prototyping and quickly iterating on what works or doesn't.
  • Containerization gives the code, the business logic, and the application back to developers and back to operators whose job it is to build very small things and iterate on those things with far greater ease than you are ever going to find with a legacy process.
  • Containers enable you to create and test business logic in small areas that are secure and isolated. With containers, you can expand and contract the footprint of your infrastructure as needed.
  • Containers enable you to easily run your application on your laptop or any virtual machine.

The process of using containerization during the modernization of an app can be simple

  • Start small by taking a new piece of logic you want to work with and put that into a container right next to the monolith you've already had working with a lot of your security procedures.
  • Once you've found what’s worked and gained confidence over your infrastructure, you can start to move on to your other business processes.
  • A great option for getting started is internal services. This is a department that gives you insight and the ability to identify different success goals.
  • You don't necessarily want to remove all of those processes and change everything all at once. You want to create a parallel set of processes next to the existing infrastructure.

Containerization enables you to parallelize your development approach

  • You can create a very agile project management solution centered around containers that demonstrates your ability to do things quicker and in a more iterative manner.
  • Containers provide the opportunity to get things done in weeks rather than months or years.

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